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Smelly Art!

I followed the advice of an art genius, Kate McLean, knowing that I do not have an ability for art. However, I came up with my unique perception of an odor that expressed the abstract world into colors and words, just as we do many times with music. I allowed my creativity to flow and I started to use all my senses to describe the smell of red wine. Surprisingly, it was not the red color that I saw in my mental image, but a dark blue color. Also, the smell was persistent and strong, which lead me to make red circles that simulated noises.

The decision of using wood was due to a tactile sensation that I felt when I first smelled the wine; I felt that I was touching wood. I also was transported to an imaginary table with friends and laughter. Then, using colors, I started to transcribe my notes into a world of colors, allowing my emotions to continue the journey.

The blue background impregnated the wood as the wine impregnated my olfactory system. This describes the lingering character, which became an intense long feeling, symbolized with a circle (infinite). Furthermore, the red upward spirals represent the sensation of noise that invaded me, like a musical crescendo. The short blue lines that accompany the red spirals could be translated as the symbols that I see on my mind, as a musical note. As a personal experience, I have good memories of drinking wine with family and friends, but always at restaurants or parties. Thus, that could explain the vivid sensation of noise when I perceive the smell. Overall, I believe this drawing distinguishes the emotion from previous experiences with odors, which are represented as sounds, not forgetting the olfactory sensation that I perceived.


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